Snicker doodle smoothie 🥤 1 cup silk cashew milk 1 scoop optimum nutrition vanilla protein powder 1 scoop vital proteins collagen powder 1/2 a frozen banana 1/4 of an avocado 2 pitted med-jool date 3/4 cup frozen cauliflower 1/4 cup cashews 1/2 tsp cinnamon Pinch of diamond crystal salt kosher salt Blend in a high
Espresso cinnamon protein muffins ☕️ 1 cup silk cashew milk 2 tbsp instant espresso powder 1 cup of oats ground in your blender to a flour 1 cup oats (not ground) 1 cup optimum nutrition vanilla whey protein powder 1 1/2 tsp baking powder Pinch of kosher salt 2 ripe bananas 1 1/2 tsp vanilla
Low sugar strawberry lemonade popsicles 🍓 🍋 1 cup oikos_canada 0%mf plain Greek yogurt1 cup sunrype slim lemonade 1 1/2 cups frozen strawberries 1 banana Blend in a high powered mixer till smooth. Using a silicone funnel fill your zipzicles popsicle molds. Freeze overnight. Make Also: Peaches and Cream Overnight Oats
Everything green smoothie 🥒🥝🍏 1 cup silk cashew milk 1 scoop optimum nutrition vanilla protein powder 1 scoop vital proteins collagen powder 1 handful spinach 3” of cucumber 1/2 of a lime, peeled 1 kiwi 1/4 cup frozen zucchini 1/2 a frozen banana 1/2 a green apple, cored 1/4 of an avocado Blend in a
Healthy cookie dough bites 🍪 1/4 cup lilys sweets milk or dark chocolate chips 1/4 tsp nutiva coconut oil 8 tbsp edible cookie dough (recipe below) maldon salt sea salt flakes 1 tsp finely chopped walnuts In a small bowl place your chocolate and coconut oil. Microwave in 30sec intervals, stirring after each, until all
Cookies and nice cream 🍨 Nice cream: 1 frozen banana 5 large frozen silk cashew milk cubes 3 tsp vanilla extract 1/2 cup frozen cauliflower 1/4 cup silk cashew milk 1/3 cup oikos_canada 0%mf plain Greek yogurt 2 Oreos Topping: Crushed Oreos In a high powered blender mix all your nice cream ingredients until an
Peach salad with honey mustard vinaigrette 🍑🥗 1 1/2 cups mixed spinach and arugula (or other mixed greens of your choice) 1/2 a peach sliced 2 tbsp pistachios 1/4 of a sliced shallot 2 tbsp diced feta cheese 1/4 of an avocado diced 1/3 cup sliced or diced cucumber 1-2 tbsp creamy honey mustard vinaigrette