Snickers Inspired Overnight Oats Cashew Milk

Snickers inspired overnight oats 😋

Snickers Inspired Overnight Oats
Snickers Inspired Overnight Oats

1/2 cup rolled oats
1/2- 3/4 cup silk cashew milk (or a milk of your choice)
1 tsp prana snacks chia seeds
1/2 tsp prana snacks flax seeds
1 tsp mani toba harvest hemp hearts
1 scoop vital proteins collagen powder
1 scoop optimum nutrition chocolate protein powder
1 tbsp pb2foods powdered peanut butter

Add all of the above into a bowl or jar and mix to combine. Refrigerate overnight. Once ready to eat top with:

1/2 sliced banana
1-2 chopped nomad jool dates med jool dates
1 tbsp melted natural peanut butter
1 tbsp prana snacks cacoa nibs
1 tbsp chopped peanuts

Make Also: Halloween Orange Gummy Bear Recipe